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Banner with five men with various styles of beards

Bearded men of the world, look no further! You can now smell like a real man, and look like one too. We've got beard oils, hand soaps, and shampoo bars to help you get your game on!

Beards are in, and there's nothing more manly than having a great-smelling beard. But not all scents are created equal—some are too flowery or fruity, some just don't smell like a real man at all. Not with us! We make sure that our products smell like the ingredients we use to make them: natural essential oils from around the world.

So whether you're looking for something earthy like cedarwood or sandalwood, or something more citrusy like grapefruit or lemon verbena, we've got it in spades. And if you can't find the scent that speaks to you? No problem! There are over 47 essential oils available to use in infinite combinations so that everyone can get exactly what they want out of their experience with us.

We're confident in our ability to keep you looking good and smelling great because we've been doing this for years—and if you try our product, we guarantee you'll love it!

Bottle of beard oil on a pedastal

Beard Oils

Dark Forest Handsoap

 Hand Soaps

Man washing his beard with a sudsy shampoo bar

Shampoo Bars


Affordable Handmade Products

   After visiting numerous farmer's markets, we discovered that there are few soaps and beard oils available for men. We decided to help men bathe and preen while still smelling like the hard working men that they are.

   At Bearded Viking Scents, we are dedicated to a smart and easy online shopping experience. Take a look at our site and get in touch with us for questions or concerns.


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